Never use saliva to wet your lenses, despite what you may have heard. Saliva is a breeding ground for bacteria.
Never insert your lenses if your eyes are red or irritated. Wait for the irritation to pass before insertion.
Insert your lenses before applying makeup, and after using hair spray.
Do not rub your eyes intensely with the lens in place.
Avoid anything that could dry your eyes, such as dust and smoke.
Do not swim with your contact lenses inserted.
If a foreign substance should enter your eye, remove the lense immediately and reinsert when the object has been dislodged.
Clean your lenses, rinse them thoroughly with distilled or filtered tap water, and disinfect them as directed. Be sure to change the storage solution daily.
Don't switch your cleaning, disinfecting, or storage solution to another brand name, until you speak to your doctor.
Don't forget to sterilize your lens case! You can do this by boiling a pot of water, removing it from the heat, and soaking your lens case for at least 20 minutes.
Do not use commercially available eye whitening drops, such as visine, while wearing your contacts.
Do not sleep with your lenses inserted, without doctor approval.
Have your eyes and lenses checked by your doctor at least once a year!
Keep your fingernails short to avoid tearing your lenses (soft contacts only).
Close your drain when you remove or insert your lenses over a sink.
Always wash your hands with a non-creamy and non-oily soap. Ivory is a good choice.
It's a good idea to always be checking your lenses closely for any nicks or defects. If any are found, replace the lens as soon as possible.
Here are a few tips for caring for and maintaining your contact lenses:
Copyright 2006-2009 Vision Health
Caring For And Wearing Your Contact Lenses: