(Added Nov 18/10) I have been considering the Lasik procedure for a very long time. I went to The Lasik Vision Institute in Burlington, MA because I knew a few people that have had the procedure done there and they all have had great results. For my first appointment I met with Carrie-Ann. She went over what my prescription was and what my options were for getting lasik surgery. She was extremely informative and answered all of my questions with ease. Right away I knew I wanted the custom technology. With my prescription I could have had the old technology for $899 an eye, but I thought if I'm going to do this, I'm doing it right! I had to be out of my contacts for five more days before I could do the exam. When I came in that next week for my exam, Dr. Rewhi stated I may not be able to have lasik and needed prk based on my cornea irregularities. When I met with Carrie-Ann,she walked me through what my experience would be like on the day of my surgery. I almost backed out of having surgery when I read the consent paperwork, but after talking to everyone I knew I could go through with it. I had my surgery done a couple of weeks ago and it was the best thing I've ever done. I already have talked my aunt into making an appointment.
Thank you Carrie-Ann,Dr.Rewhi,and the entire staff for giving me a great experience! I'm sending everyone I know your way.
(Added Aug 5/10) I had been considering Lasik for a long time and had heard "good results" from some people that had the procedure done. When I heard about the new "Wavefront" technology it was time to move forward. I chose Lasik Vision Institute because they were a big company, and they offered lifetime enhancement (at an additional cost, which was understandable). I had seen the adds for $299. per eye, but knew that was just a marketing strategy. I was curious to see what the actual cost would be, so I went ahead and made an appointment. After my initial exam and was told that I was a good candidate foer Lasik. They quoted me a price of $1999 per eye for the lifetime enhancement plan. I told them that I would have to sleep on it (to digest the price). The following day they called and offered $300 off per eye if I made an appointment, which I declined (I needed to sleep on it some more).
A month went by and I received another call from them stating that they had a cancellation on July 1st (exactly 1 week from that day), and if I was willing to take that time slot, they would do the Lasik with the "Wavefront" technology and lifetime enhancement for $1299 per eye. I took it. It was the BEST decision I have ever made! I went into it knowing that everyone recovers differently, so I wasn't too concerned with some of the reviews that I researched. My only complaint would be how the office as a whole was run. Kerryann (the office manager) had an aweful disposition, and was actualy heard yelling at two different patients. The scheduling was terrible and the office staff seemed a little frazzled (probably due to the office manager). The rest of the staff was GREAT, including the surgeon and his staff. My post exams (more than one due to my slow recovery) were done with Dr. Adams, who is very personable and explained evrything to me very clearly. It has been one month since the procedure and my eyesight is at 20/20. I hope that my experience will help someone with making their decision about Lasik and/or the Lasik Vision Institute in Burlington.
(Added Mar 5/10) It has been over a year since my surgery and my vision is worse that it ever was. I went for a consult in 2007 and they said "I was not a good canidate for Lasik" and then when I went in Aug 2009 they said "I was a good candidate for Lasik". Im not sure which part of that I did not understand but 45 min before surgery they told me I was having PRK .... having trust in them I did not think much of it. Of course untill it was done. Here is a short timeline of my experience.
August 20th went in for exam was told by counselor I was a good candidate for Lasik. Then was seen by the Dr xxxx and told everything looks good. As my exam concluded I was told there was a slim chance the dr will suggest PRK and not to worry Its not common I just have to tell you. I was given a one sheet carbon copy that said what PRK was with NO consultation.
August 28th prepared me for surgery and advised me I was having PRK and not Lasik. I had No consultation, had surgery performed by Dr. Nilesh Sheth sent home with 3 perscriptions for diff eye drops and 1 perscription for a strong pain reliever.
Sept 3rd went in for 1st post op visit and to have my contact lens bandage taken off. I was in terrible discomfort and my vision was really bad 10x worse than before my surgery. Dr Claims I was "un cooperative", sighed and numbed my eye. Dr had a bad attitude.
Sept 23rd I called to request copy of files and was told I have to sign a release
Sept 24th post op visit, signed release, had post op with Dr. xxx he said eyes were not healing as quickly as he would have liked. I spoke of my concern and how difficult it was for me to see. Mentioned that I felt like I have lost a month of my life and was very concerned something was not right. Dr said "it could be worse, you're here aren't you?" (I thought...as opposed to what) Asked reception for my files and was told the copier was out of toner and confirmed I could pick them up on Friday Sept 26th.
Sept 26th I called around 3:30 said I was on my way and the person on the phone said she could UPS them to me. Leading me to believe they would be overnighted. I thought OK I'll have them Monday and its pouring rain out and it will be hard enough trying to drive in the rain with my poor vision. I agreed.
Oct 3rd I called to see where my files were and was told "They have to go to Corporate first to be signed off, don't worry you'll get them" again with a bad attitude.
Oct 8th I called and asked about them again and was told they have not been signed off by the surgeon and that he has not been in in two weeks. Told her with all these excuses why I have not received these files I had a concern there was something they were trying to hide and Kerry- Ann (mgr) got very defensive with me. Made an appointment to see Dr Sheth. I will see him tommorrow at 2:30.
Oct 9th I was told I had 20/20 vision By Dr Sheth. I went to my normal eye doctor the following Saturday and Dr Kahn was astonished with my story, fitted me with glasses for distance. My vision was not 20/20.
Feb 18th 2009 Eyes are still not back to normal.
If I had been consulted with I could have planned for the serious procedure I was about to under go. This immobilized me for weeks, and I still don't think I am ok to drive.
(Added Apr 28/08) I had my surgery on 4/18/08, today is 4 days later. When I was researching Lasik Vision Institute Burlington MA, I was surprised at what limited information/reviews were available on the Internet. I did some searches, and only came up with one (fairly negative) review. So, I am going to give a detailed review and description of my experience.
I chose to contact LVI because I heard their ad on the radio. They make is sound like Lasik is now very affordable. (I don't remember if the $299 per eye price was mentioned, but I am sure that "affordable" and "financing options" were mentioned.) I first contacted them in 2007, but I did not go for the exam when I found out that I had to be out of my contacts for 2 weeks. When I contacted them again in 2008, I was told that I did not have to be out of my contacts, so I made the appointment. I think that they then tried to get a hold of me to tell me that I *did* have to be out of my contacts, but I didn't get the message, so I showed up and had more of an "initial consultation" where they read my prescription and outlined the procedure, then outlined the pricing options.
No doubt about it, this place is a "bait and switch". All the material that they send you has "Lasik for as low as $299 an eye) all over it, but the pricing sheet starts with $599 per eye for the lowest prescription (-1.25). From there, it goes up in increments of $400 ($999 for -1.50 to -2.00 and $1399 for -2.25 and up). For an additional $200, you can get lifetime coverage for enhancements (vs the one year you get with the basic plan). In addition, they offer a "custom" lasik (which is the wavefront technology that you may have heard/read about), and it is offered for $1899 (additional $100 for lifetime enhancements). The difference of $1700 per eye for the majority of their patients seems excessive to me, but when I did some research, it seemed like a competitive rate. The thing is, they tell you that they can do the procedure MUCH cheaper than other doctors and facilities because they own their equipment, that's all they do, blah, blah, blah - but it's no less expensive than your usual eye shop.
So, I make the appointment to come back for the full exam, and set the date to get out of my contacts. I go away to contemplate spending $4k on my eyes when I don't have any good reason to do so. I could have a really nice Caribbean vacation for $4k. My insurance will pay none of it. I have a health care reimbursement account, but I didn't anticipate $4k, so it only has $2k in it, so I'll lose over $2k of benefits (because I'll use the $2k in the account regardless of the lasik). It was very hard for me to justify spending this amount of money because I don't have any problems wearing my contacts except that I wear them too much. The two weeks of wearing my glasses convinced me that I did not want to wear glasses full time. Ever.
The full exam wasn't too bad. I waited a while before they started, then I went through a series of exams - none of which were too taxing. They inform you before you make the appointment that they will dilate your eyes. At the end, I was pronounced an "excellent" candidate for the surgery, and especially the custom lasik because I have a strong astigmatism in my left eye. I believe I could have made a date for the surgery for the following week, but I had travel plans, so I had to postpone it. I eventually settled on the 18th mainly because they were offering a special of $250 off each eye (I have a feeling that these specials aren't too special at all, but I wasn't going to risk it).
Ok, so now to the surgery. I wasn't nervous about the actual surgery. The release that they have you sign does make you think about all the horrible things that could happen, but I mostly believe that they know what they are doing and they do hundreds a week - and I hope for the best. My appointment was at 9:15 on a Friday. They perform the surgeries on Thursdays and Fridays. When you check in, they hand you a kit with some drops, sunglasses, and eye shield. They also give you a slip of paper with your instructions (more about that later).
I waited over an hour to be called to pay. After that, it was another 20 minutes or so when I was called to the other waiting area where you don a hair cap and booties on your shoes. Here they have you sit in a room with about 6 other people. They ask/confirm what surgery you are having for which eyes, and if you have any allergies. I don't know if they have to conform to HIPPA laws, but if so - they don't. Everyone in that room now knows your name, what kind of surgery you are having, and your allergies if any. Not a big deal, I guess, but for example, the woman next to me was having an enhancement in one eye. I was now curious and I asked her about it - maybe you don't want people asking you questions about your health.
From there it was another wait while one by one we were called out into the next waiting seat. Finally it was my turn. I got on the table, and they positioned me. The doctor came in and had me hold this stuffed doggie. Then they put drops in my eyes to numb them. Then they immediately started opening my eye. It was probably less than 30 seconds before they started the procedure. There was a pinch that made me flinch. The laser ran for 15 seconds. The first eye was done. They asked me if I was ready for the 2nd eye - well, now that I know what is going to happen, not really! The 2nd eye was actually better. I think the numbing drops had time to take effect.
The next thing I'm out in "recovery" which is a big green easy chair. I can see. It's not like being underwater like they tell you - it's more of a haze or fog over everything. The doctor checks your eyes again, then the nurse comes over and administers your first set of drops. She repeats your instructions again, then, if your ride is there, you can go.
The instructions that they give you tell you that you can swim or scuba dive, no rubbing your eyes, no make up, etc. They all have time frames on them. The big surprise for me was no aerobic activity for 2 weeks. I wish I had known that. I think that when you go for the initial consultation, they do not tell you all this stuff. They tell you that the surgery will take less than 15 min, and then you are required to sleep/keep your eyes closed for 3-5 hours, then when you wake up, you can basically resume your life. That's sort of misleading. It's doesn't put your life on hold, but it is restrictive. I think that they don't want any discouragement for anyone considering the procedure.
My recovery has been great. I went home and slept/rested for 3.5 hours. I had a little discomfort - it felt like when your eyes get super sun sensitive. But, that was momentary. When I woke, my vision was much clearer. I went out to dinner, kept up with all my drops, and had a good night's rest. The next day I went for my follow up. The ophthalmologist saw a hair on my right eye. She couldn't believe that I couldn't feel it. They got it out and said I was doing great.
I go back in 2 weeks for another follow up, but every day I feel like my vision is getting better. It is always great for 5' or so - that would have been blurry for me before. Beyond 5', some things that I think should be clear are not, but I am expecting that to get better. Someone told me that it was due to the drops. Another person told me that it was because my eyes are dry. My eyes do not feel dry. I have to remind myself to use the drops, or I would not feel that I needed them.
Speaking of drops, they only give you this tiny sample of artificial tears, but they tell you to use them every hour. They come in 1 use vials. If you are going to have the surgery, I suggest that you buy the tears in advance. I found that the .04ml ones I was wasting a lot of the fluid. I bought Walgreens brand (they must be preservative free) - 70 vials for $15. It was a good buy, and they are only .02ml, and I still throw some of it away.
All in all, I have been happy with my experience at Lasik Vision Institute. I have a ways to go before I can give it 100%, but I'm at 90% for now.
(Added <Apr/08) I had my eye surgery approximately 2 years ago. My eyes never felt perfect and I still have extemely dry eyes to this day. Currently I am back again in glasses. When I went to this place I felt like I was cattle being moved from one place to the next. Each time I went their was a new Dr. on staff. Not sure that I trust them for an enhancement. Any thoughts?
Lasik Vision Institute: Burlington, MA
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