Lazik & Laser Eye Surgery Clinics/Surgeons: Iowa, USA
Laser Eye Surgery Clinics: Des Moines
Laser Eye Surgery Clinics: Des Moines
Listed below are some of the most popular laser eye surgery clinics in Iowa. The information in each listing is provided by the clinics themselves, however all customer reviews are submitted by our visitors. If you've had a good or bad experience at any of these laser eye surgery clinics, please submit a review. If you don't see your clinic listed here, you can still submit a review, and we'll create a listing for you! You can also read more general laser eye surgery reviews here.
Laser Eye Surgery Clinics: Des Moines
Laser Eye Surgery Clinics: West Des Moines
On This Page: Des Moines
TLC Laser Eye Centers – Des Moines
1225 Jordan Creek Parkway
West Des Moines, Iowa 50226
(877) 289-2020
Laser vision correction has become one of North America's most frequently performed procedures. But all laser vision correction providers are not created equal. That's why understanding how to get the best possible results, the safest way, is so important.
As laser vision correction continues to rapidly evolve, TLC continually equips our teams with the best resources and latest technology to remain a leader in LASIK. When you make the decision to have LASIK, your focus should be on quality care, experienced doctors, the latest technology and a commitment to results. You'll find all of this at TLC Laser Eye Centers; and when you do, you'll Feel the Difference and See the Results.

We, the physicians and staff of Associated Ophthalmologists, P.C. wish to welcome you to our practice. Our goal is to provide the best possible care for all your eye needs, including small incision no stitch cataract surgery, state-of-the-art Iowa laser vision correction and customized contact lens fitting.
After more than 30 years of serving patients with eye problems, we have become recognized as a leading center for eye care in Des Moines, Iowa. We are dedicated to providing you with excellent care in a professional and friendly environment. We specialize in Iowa laser vision correction.
Associated Ophthalmologists
1212 Pleasant Street Suite 202
Des Moines, Iowa 50309
(515) 244-EYES (3937)
Dr. Tobin began practicing in 1974, and later founded The Tobin Eye Institute in 1984. Since then, TEI has been a leader in Refractive and Cataract surgery, providing state of the art laser technology and surgical techniques. TEI physicians provide quality eye care in Omaha and Falls City, Nebraska, Des Moines and Council Bluffs, Iowa, and St. Joseph, Missouri.
Dr. Tobin is a native of Glen Cove, New York and is one of the leading Refractive and Cataract surgeons in the Midwest. He has performed over 8,000 refractive and 15,000 cataract surgeries over the past 25 years. Dr. Tobin is currently accepting new patients at our St. Joseph, Missouri, Omaha, Nebraska, Des Moines and Council Bluffs, Iowa offices.
Tobin Eye Institute
1700 22nd St.
Des Moines, Iowa
The physicians at Des Moines Eye Surgeons are medical doctors who have have provided personalized eye care for more than 30 years.
Advanced training and extensive clinical research and study have helped us develop additional expertise in the treatment of medical and surgical eye problems. Keeping up with advancements in medical and surgical treatments of the eye is a demanding requirement for all of us. Our continuous study gives us ongoing exposure and - what's more important - involvement in the development of state-of-the-art procedures and techniques that benefit you, today's patient.
Des Moines Eye Surgeons
5901 Westown Parkway
West Des Moines, IA 50266
(515) 225-3546
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